How Fat Loss Can Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
India is the capital of Diabetes with half of the population still not diagnosed. Type 2 Diabetes (individuals who take pills to manage their blood sugars) is very commonly seen today. And fat is the culprit. We Indians appear thin but have a lot of body fat within. Fat in the body is the culprit […]
Brown Sugar V/S White Sugar
We all know that brown rice is better than white rice, and whole wheat bread better than white bread, but does this pattern extend to sugar as well? It is often said that brown sugar is a healthier option than white sugar. But you can chalk that up to clever marketing or simple illusion. Watch […]
Which is better to Re-hydrate – Fruit Juices V/S Sweetened Aerated Drinks
In this scorching heat we all crave for refreshing drinks. And we know aerated drinks are too high in sugar and we think fruit juices are better. Fruit juices are made from fresh fruits. But are they really better? And what are the alternatives to re-hydrate yourself this summer? Like and follow us on FaceBook […]
White Rice V/S Brown Rice: Which is Better?
We always get different answers to this question. And this is a very commonly asked question by our clients. Watch this video to find out! Some have a notion that brown rice takes time to cook and hence we should avoid it. Since it takes longer time to cook, it might take time to digest […]
Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss
Watch this video to find out if Ketogenic Diet is the right approach for Weight Loss. Ketogenic diet is moderate protein, high fat and low carbohydrate diet. Everyone knows the ill effects of having excess fat but what happens if followed keto diet for a long time? As spoken in my earlier videos, Indians do […]
Is it Safe to Take Dietary Supplements??
Many of us are reluctant to take dietary supplements. So, let us first understand the difference between medicines and dietary supplements. Balanced diet is a must for everyone, since all the nutrients are important to carry out bodily functions and keep you away from disorders/diseases. Due to calorie restrictions most of us can’t meet all […]
What to Avoid in Gout/High Uric Acid Levels??
High uric acid levels have become common these days. There are some faulty/incorrect measures practiced which can cause more harm to our body than doing good. So, let’s learn what to avoid in gout. If you find this video useful, please like and share it with your friends and family. Also, watch this video to […]
Which Oil To Use for Cooking??
This question is on everyone’s mind. Watch our video to get your answer. Also find out the sources of MUFA and PUFA! Oils are considered villains and people go oil free many a times. Which is a complete wrong practice. Also, there are marketing gimmicks and some oils are labeled cholesterol free, while some oils […]
Yo-Yo dieting
Did you follow crash diet? And because of which you regained double the weight you have lost. Then you must check this video to know it’s other hazards. Weight loss is generally either carried out to look slim or to prevent or cure many disease conditions. The method used for weight loss is equally important […]
Quick ways to reduce work related stress
March end week, Financial year end is marked by stress, pressure, tension to achieve targets or complete submissions. This March end relieve your pressure just by following few simple tips shown in the video. These quick tips can be performed in between your work to reduce work related stress. Please don’t forget to like, share […]