6 ways to Detox Post Diwali

We clean our homes pre-Diwali and our bodies typically need the cleaning post-Diwali, thanks to the calorie laden festival food that’s mostly sweet, fried or both. It is common to feel guilty for having overeaten. It is now the time to get over Diwali and rejuvenate your system. Cleansing your body with a detox diet […]

Child Nutrition | Nutrition Week

We are celebrating National Nutrition Week and the theme this year is “Feeding Smart, From the Start”. Nutrition has a major impact on child’s health and development. Nevertheless, research studies show that nutrition in a child’s early years is linked to their health and academic performance in later years. In this video we are discussing […]

Which is better to Re-hydrate – Fruit Juices V/S Sweetened Aerated Drinks

In this scorching heat we all crave for refreshing drinks. And we know aerated drinks are too high in sugar and we think fruit juices are better. Fruit juices are made from fresh fruits. But are they really better? And what are the alternatives to re-hydrate yourself this summer? Like and follow us on FaceBook […]

White Rice V/S Brown Rice: Which is Better?

We always get different answers to this question. And this is a very commonly asked question by our clients. Watch this video to find out! Some have a notion that brown rice takes time to cook and hence we should avoid it. Since it takes longer time to cook, it might take time to digest […]

Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss

Watch this video to find out if Ketogenic Diet is the right approach for Weight Loss. Ketogenic diet is moderate protein, high fat and low carbohydrate diet. Everyone knows the ill effects of having excess fat but what happens if followed keto diet for a long time? As spoken in my earlier videos, Indians do […]

Is it Safe to Take Dietary Supplements??

Many of us are reluctant to take dietary supplements. So, let us first understand the difference between medicines and dietary supplements. Balanced diet is a must for everyone, since all the nutrients are important to carry out bodily functions and keep you away from disorders/diseases. Due to calorie restrictions most of us can’t meet all […]

11 Low Calorie Summer Drinks

In this scorching heat we all crave for cool and refreshing drinks. But at the same time think about the calories. What if you get to enjoy refreshing drinks with minimum calories? Watch this video to get 11 low calorie drink recipes.

Stop Eating… At The Wrong Time for Better Health

Are you suffering from heart burn, acidity and digestive problems? Do you experience excess weight gain even when you are not eating too much of food? Yes? Then, it is high time for you to start thinking of why eating on time is important. Skipping meals and not eating on time can affect the normal balance […]

Again be a TEEN… in 2017

The New Year is all about new beginnings, a fresh start, and a chance to hit the “reset” button after a season of eating, drinking, and being merry. So, it’s not surprising that many of us feel the need to set some pretty grand goals. The fact is, only 8% of resolution makers achieve them. That’s why […]