Health Benefits of 1st Milk – Colostrum

  Introduction Colostrum, the first food or golden milk for the baby🤱 . It is released during 1st 2-3 days after delivery. In fact it’s yellowish thick fluid secreted from mammary gland. It is secreted in small quantity of about 10-40 ml.  This is different from regular milk. It has 20kcal/oz. Health benefits of colostrum 1) […]

5 Major Nutrition Tips During Breastfeeding

                                                               Breastfeeding is feeding the child nutritionally & emotionally. And so whatever mother eats, thinks & feels goes to the child. This is suppose to […]

Rapid fire for controlling sugars with Health Hatch

Test, update facts as well as enjoy reading about diabetes. In other words, learn with fun about habits improving healthy lifestyle and sugars. Rapid fire with Health Hatch for controlling sugars Which Healthy Habit is the king ? 2.  Rank in order to your preference the food that you would have a) Orange juice  b) Broken wheat (Daliya)  […]

Weight loss myth breakers

13 Health Myth breakers Myth: – Can you lose weight eating carbs? Answer: –  Yes, you can. In fact, carbohydrate as complex carbs & high fibre & in right quantity helps brain & all organ system functioning. Examples of complex carbohydrate includes fruits, veggies, nuts, whole grain.   Myth: – Can skipping meals help in […]