8 Great Benefits of Carom Seeds (Ajwain)

Ajwain or ajma or Bishop’s weed is a spice most commonly used daily. For our parents & grand parents we know it being useful for flatulence or gas problems.

Super 7 benefits of Mango Ginger/ambe halad

Ambe halad or mango ginger belongs to the family of curcuma. It’s an Indian spice also used in Ayurveda for number of health issues.
The rhizomes of ambe halad looks very similar to ginger but without the pungency, it has the colour and flavour of mango and hence the name mango ginger.

Health Benefits of 1st Milk – Colostrum

  Introduction Colostrum, the first food or golden milk for the baby🤱 . It is released during 1st 2-3 days after delivery. In fact it’s yellowish thick fluid secreted from mammary gland. It is secreted in small quantity of about 10-40 ml.  This is different from regular milk. It has 20kcal/oz. Health benefits of colostrum 1) […]