Salad🥗 is our secret for weight/fat loss. Read more to know more.
Try including 2 bowls of colourfulveggies🥗 like tomato, all types of bell peppers, cucumber, carrot, cabbage, zucchini, broccoli, lettuce etc to get high amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibre, which will help in weight loss.
Incase if you’re not able to include different veggies then try atleast having 1-2 veggies🥗 for lunch & dinner .
Researches states that >4 servings of veggies throughout the day helps in reducing & managing weight & waist. And this thereby helps in lowering ⬇️ the chances of getting #lifestylediseases like diabetes , heartproblems , PCOS , Uric acid etc.

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