Natural methods of conception

Infertility is when a couple cannot conceive in spite of having regular unprotected sex. Infertility is usually diagnosed when a couple have not managed to conceive after a year of trying. According to Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, 27.5 million Indians are infertile. This is a growing problem in couples planning pregnancy. So, we are going to help you with tips for natural methods of conception, which has helped our various clients conceive naturally.

There are 2 types of infertility:

Primary infertility

where someone who’s never conceived a child in the past has difficulty conceiving

Secondary infertility

where someone has had 1 or more pregnancies in the past, but is having difficulty conceiving again

Fertility can be complex and multifactorial. Both partners should undergo a thorough medical evaluation to get in mind underlying cause and work on it. In this blog we are going to discuss,

7 tips to improve fertility

Healthy weight

Both underweight and overweight can affect fertility. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can improve fertility (1) .

Healthy weight - Natural methods of conception
Healthy weight – Natural methods of conception

Reducing Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant present in coffee, tea, energy drinks, some soft drinks, and chocolate. Excessive caffeine intake in women prolongs conception and are at high risk for miscarriages. So women who are planning to conceive should limit their caffeine intake to not more than 200mg per day (1) .

Reduce caffeine- Natural methods of conception
Reduce caffeine

Quit Smoking

Cigarettes contain thousands of harmful chemicals that affect our organs including reproductive organ. These chemicals cause damage to eggs (in women) and sperms (in men). Studies have found that passive smoking is equally damaging. Smoking also accelerates the rate of exhaustion of the ovarian follicular apparatus thereby reducing fertility. The good news is that the effects of smoking on eggs and sperm and fertility are reversible. On quitting it will increase the chance of conceiving and having a healthy baby (1) .

Quit smoking- Natural methods of conception
Quit smoking

Reduce Alcohol

Alcohol consumption can reduce fertility in both men and women. Research shows that even drinking lightly can reduce the likelihood of conception in women. In men alcohol can impair fertility because it can cause impotence, reduce libido and affect sperm quality. So, it is best to avoid alcohol consumption to improve fertility (1) .

Reduce alcohol - Natural methods of conception
Reduce alcohol – Natural methods of conception

Vitamin D supplement

Researches have shown that would Vitamin D deficiency, reduces fertility. So it is very important to get this checked and take supplementation accordingly.

Vitamin D- Natural methods of conception
Vitamin D- Natural methods of conception

Iodized salt

Switch to iodized salt over non-iodized salt to improve your iodine status. Iodized salt is enough to meet your iodine requirement per the day. Iodine is a key nutrient. Studies have shown that woman with iodine deficiency is taking longer to get pregnant. (2)

Iodised salt - Natural methods of conception
Iodised salt

Brazil nut

Brazil nut is a rich source of selenium. Selenium is known to improve the quality of eggs in females thereby improving fertility. Having just one Brazil nut is enough to meet up your daily selenium requirements. (3)

Brazilnut - Natural methods of conception
Brazilnut – Natural methods of conception

Cashew nuts

A handful of cashews are known to improve sleep quality. Clocking in 7-9 hours of good quality sleep is extremely important when planning pregnancy. Studies have shown sleep deprivation reduces fertility in women.

Cashewnuts - Natural methods of conception

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are known for their good quality fat content and anti inflammatory properties. 2 teaspoons of chia seeds in a day is what you can start with. Studies have also shown omega 3 fatty acids are known to quality of eggs and hormonal cycle in women thereby improving fertility.

Chia seeds - Natural methods of conception
Chia seeds – Natural methods of conception


In short, a proper balanced diet should be of focus but you cannot underestimate the positive effect that a good sleep, stress management and regular exercise has on fertility. Check with your health care professional to understand the root cause of infertility, which can be overweight, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, PCOS, insulin resistance, etc. and work on it at the same time keep the above notes in mind to improve your fertility.

Client 1 conceived naturally with our diet program using natural methods of conception
Client 1 conceived naturally with our diet program using natural methods of conception
Our natural methods of conception helped client 2 conceive naturally with our Fertility program
Our natural methods of conception helped client 2 conceive naturally with our Fertility program
Conceive naturally with our natural methods of conception, that's how client 3 got good news with our Fertility diet program
Conceive naturally with our natural methods of conception, that’s how client 3 got good news with our Fertility diet program
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