Introduction on how to cure hormonal imbalance in females

Hormones play an important role in regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism, reproduction, sleep, mood, and immune function. And an imbalance can cause a wide range of symptoms, such as irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, weight gain or loss, fatigue, hair loss, acne, and sleep disturbances. Hormonal imbalances can affect fertility and reproductive health in women. Imbalances in hormones like estrogen and progesterone can lead to menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and difficulties in conceiving. Thus it is important to work on how to cure hormonal imbalance in females to alleviate symptoms, enhance fertility and improve quality of life.

How to cure hormonal imbalance in females naturally with 8 ways

1. Improve gut health

Our gut contains trillions of bacteria which affect our hormone health positively. Your gut regulates hormones by modulating insulin resistance thereby prevents insulin resistance. To improve gut health eat whole grains, fermented foods, curds, yoghurt, olives, apples, banana, flax seeds, etc.

How to cure hormonal imbalance in females by improving gut health
How to cure hormonal imbalance in females by improving gut health

2. Cut down simple sugar intake

Not only by minimising sugar intake but also working on avoiding maida, and processed foods like cakes, biscuits, breads, etc. These foods are known to spike insulin levels. And high levels of insulin, make ovaries produce more testosterone, lower the secretion of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) thus dumps estrogen in the system thereupon causing havoc in natural hormonal cycle.

How to cure hormonal imbalance in females by cutting down simple sugar intake
How to cure hormonal imbalance in females by cutting down simple sugar intake

3.How to cure hormonal imbalance with high quality sleep

Getting good quality sleep (7-9 hours) is essential for regulating hormones, because body’s production of certain hormones is linked to the sleep-wake cycle. Make sure to stick to a routine and have same going to bed and wake up time.

How to cure hormonal imbalance in females by improvong sleep quality
How to cure hormonal imbalance in females by improvong sleep quality

4.Move more

Engaging yourself in some form of physical activity has also shown to improve hormone balance by reducing stress and inflammation in the body, which can help regulate cortisol levels (stress hormones) and improve insulin sensitivity. 150 min a week is ideally recommended. You can walk, jog, dance, swim, play any sport, etc.

How to cure hormonal imbalance in females by moving more
How to cure hormonal imbalance in females by moving more

5.How to cure hormonal imbalance with stress management

Stress is inevitable, but it is possible to manage stress. Practice yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises that can also help reduce stress levels, which can have a positive impact on hormone balance.

How to cure hormonal imbalance in females by stress management
How to cure hormonal imbalance in females by stress management

6.Testosterone/androgen/ DHEAs lowering foods

7.Estrogen improving foods

8.Prolactin improving foods

  1. Brazil nut : 1 daily
  2. Oyster mushrooms : 1 cup
  3. Soyabean : 1 cup (cooked)
  4. Sunflower seeds: 1 teaspoon
  5. Banana : 1 medium size

Bottom line on how to cure hormonal imbalance in females naturally

Remember, every women’s hormonal imbalance is unique, and the treatment approach may vary. Hormonal imbalances can have various underlying causes, such as stress, certain medical conditions, medications, or lifestyle factors and working on your root cause can help you cure your hormonal imbalance. With our customised diet programs 1000s of women have managed to cure hormonal imbalance, click here to check. If you’re interested in a customised diet plan get in touch with us here (whatsApp link) or drop us an email of and our team will get in touch with you.

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