
According to a report by the World Population Review, the prevalence of obesity in India has increased significantly in recent years, with approximately 5% of the adult population being classified as obese. This suggests that a significant portion of the population may be dieting or trying to manage their weight in some way. Also, obesity rises the risk to other health concerns like insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, PCOS, etc. so, the most common reason for dieting is to lose weight or to manage health concerns. But if dieting goes wrong, it poses more risk on health than doing any good.
Avoid these 6 mistakes when you’re dieting
1. Restrictive dieting
Many are in search of quick fixes/short cuts and end up severely restricting themselves. However, this approach of dieting can be unsustainable, can lead to rebound weight gain and also create many nutritional deficiencies.

2. Skipping meals
Skipping meals can lead to overeating later which will ruin the weight loss journey and demotivate you.

3. Avoiding carbohydrates
As Indians our meals comprise of roti, rice, dals, etc. and avoiding them just to lose weight is again not sustainable. Once you reintroduce these foods back you’ll gain the weight back. Rather learn the right quantity of your staple food items.

4. Lack of variety
Moong diet, paneer diet, banana diet, soup diet etc. Eating the same foods every day can be boring and make it harder to stick to a healthy diet. Also, having same food means sticking to same nutrients and adding variety of foods means exposing yourself to different nutrients. Also, Incorporating a variety of foods can help keep your diet interesting and sustainable.

5. Checking weight daily
Weight is just a number. If you are constipated or bloated, the Winkle might show that you’ve gained weight, but that’s not true. And this might leave you demotivated. Also fat loss doesn’t happen overnight. Check your weight once in a week or once in 15 days.

6. Getting obsessed with weight
Fat loss is a better indicator than weight loss. Also, because fat is responsible for insulin, resistance, hormonal imbalance, PCOS, etc. rather than focusing just on weight, you should focus on inches. Take your measurements and monitor them on weekly or fortnightly basis.

While dieting can be a healthy way to manage weight or health concerns, it’s important to do so in a sustainable and balanced way without compromising on nutrition. Dieting should promote overall health and well-being. If you can eat variety of foods and lose weight wouldn’t you want to try that out? We prescribe a diet plan that includes your staples making the diet sustainable for you to follow even after the program ends. For a customised diet plan for yourself click here.