Shallow Frying Is Better Than Deep Frying – Myth

Do you believe shallow frying is better than deep frying? Yes? Then let us first understand the difference between the two. In shallow frying the food is only partly submerged in oil allowing one side to be cooked and it is flipped in between to cook the other side.   Whereas, in deep frying the food is completely submerged in […]

Stop Eating… At The Wrong Time for Better Health

Are you suffering from heart burn, acidity and digestive problems? Do you experience excess weight gain even when you are not eating too much of food? Yes? Then, it is high time for you to start thinking of why eating on time is important. Skipping meals and not eating on time can affect the normal balance […]

Sour on Taste… Sweet on Health

After the hot summers and humid monsoons, the winters kick-start the season of the Indian gooseberry, better known as amla. It is an extremely sour fruit. Though you might not find the taste of amla appealing, don’t be quick to dismiss it- it’s rich in Vitamin C and also loaded with a range of polyphenols […]

Again be a TEEN… in 2017

The New Year is all about new beginnings, a fresh start, and a chance to hit the “reset” button after a season of eating, drinking, and being merry. So, it’s not surprising that many of us feel the need to set some pretty grand goals. The fact is, only 8% of resolution makers achieve them. That’s why […]

Apple Cider Vinegar

You may have heard by now about the buzz surrounding apple cider vinegar. It is also known as ACV. ACV is being promoted in the market since it has a lot of health benefits. Let’s know about this superfood in detail. There are two types of vinegar available in the market a) Synthetic; which is used […]


In ancient times it was a tradition to cook food in copper vessels, because earlier copper was the only available metal and it was only later that its health benefits were found out. But with time and the discovery of other metals copper vessels have gradually vanished. Steel has now replaced copper vessels in Indian […]

When Buying Sugar… Be a RACIST!

When Buying Sugar…  Be a RACIST! We all know that brown rice is better than white rice, and whole wheat bread better than white bread, but does this pattern extend to sugar as well? It is often said that brown sugar is a healthier option than white sugar. But you can chalk that up to […]